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07 Oct, 2023, Company News

What is the Process of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine?

What is the Process of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine?

Fiber laser cutting machines have become an indispensable tool in many industries, thanks to their ability to provide precise and efficient cutting solutions. In this article, we will delve into the step-by-step process of fiber laser cutting machines, exploring their capabilities, applications, and the advantages they offer.

Understanding Fiber Laser Cutting

Fiber laser cutting machines utilize a high-intensity laser beam to cut through various materials with exceptional precision. The process involves a series of intricate steps that contribute to the overall efficiency and accuracy of the cutting process.

Step 1: Material Selection and Preparation

The first step in the fiber laser cutting process is selecting the appropriate material for cutting. Fiber laser cutting machines are highly versatile and can cut through materials such as metals, plastics, ceramics, composites, and more. Once the material is chosen, it needs to be properly prepared by ensuring it is clean, free from any debris or contaminants, and securely positioned on the cutting bed.

Step 2: Laser Beam Generation

In fiber laser cutting machines, a laser beam is generated within an optical fiber. This process involves the use of rare-earth elements, such as ytterbium or erbium, which are doped into the fiber core. When a high-powered laser is passed through the fiber, it stimulates the emission of photons, resulting in a concentrated and coherent laser beam.

Step 3: Cutting Parameters Setup

To achieve optimal cutting results, the operator must set the appropriate cutting parameters based on the material type, thickness, and desired cutting quality. These parameters include laser power, cutting speed, focus position, and assist gas selection. The assist gas, such as nitrogen or oxygen, is used to blow away the molten material and create a clean cut.

Step 4: Cutting Process

Once the material is prepared and the cutting parameters are set, the laser beam is directed towards the material's surface. The focused laser beam rapidly heats and melts the material at the cutting point, forming a narrow and precise cut. The assist gas helps to remove the molten material, preventing any re-solidification or material buildup.

Step 5: Post-Cutting Operations

After the cutting process is complete, there may be a need for post-cutting operations. This can include removing any burrs or sharp edges from the cut pieces, cleaning the surface of the material, and inspecting the quality of the cut. These additional steps ensure the final product meets the desired specifications and requirements.

Advantages of Fiber Laser Cutting

Fiber laser cutting machines offer numerous advantages over traditional cutting methods. Some of the key benefits include:

Safety Considerations

While fiber laser cutting machines offer numerous advantages, it is important to consider safety precautions when operating them. Some key safety measures include:


The process of fiber laser cutting involves material selection and preparation, laser beam generation, cutting parameters setup, the cutting process itself, and post-cutting operations. Understanding this step-by-step process is vital for maximizing the capabilities of fiber laser cutting machines and achieving accurate and efficient cutting results. With their precision, speed, versatility, and minimal material waste, fiber laser cutting machines have revolutionized the cutting industry and continue to drive innovation in various sectors. By prioritizing safety and adhering to best practices, users can harness the full potential of fiber laser cutting machines and unlock endless possibilities for their applications.


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