31 Mar, 2023, Company News
Beilin Laser Wins 2022 Ultrafast Laser Innovation Award

Beilin Laser was honored to win the prestigious "2022 Ultrafast Laser Innovation Award" at the fifth SECRET LIGHT AWARDS ceremony held in Shenzhen on December 18. The company was selected for its exceptional femtosecond UV 30W laser, the Axinite UV-30.
Femtosecond UV 30W laser (Axinite UV-30)
Product Description
The Axinite UV-30 is equipped with a highly stable fiber seed source and a fiber solid-state hybrid amplifier that produce high-power femtosecond laser output. The seed laser is amplified for infrared output by a high-gain amplifier before being converted to ultraviolet output via a frequency doubling and summing module, resulting in a remarkable 30W@800kHz with pulse width below 500fs.
Product characteristics
High power femtosecond laser outputThe laser uses a high gain fiber/solid state hybrid amplifier to achieve>100W high-power femtosecond laser output, and the infrared laser generates>30W femtosecond ultraviolet laser through frequency doubling and summing modules.The laser utilizes a fiber/solid state hybrid amplifier with high gain to produce over 100W high-power femtosecond laser output, while an infrared laser generates >30W ultraviolet laser through frequency doubling and summing modules.The fiber/solid state hybrid amplifier of the Axinite UV-30 produces over 100W high-power femtosecond laser output, while the infrared laser generates >30W ultraviolet laser through frequency doubling and summing modules.
Pulse energy and laser power stabilization
The laser seed source features SESAM passive mode locking technology with a long lifetime of >40000 hours through SESAM switching technology. The amplifier uses a high-gain solid-state amplifier to overcome nonlinear effects during the amplification process and produce increased power, stability, and quality pulsed laser output.
Excellent light output quality and long service life
By employing proprietary frequency doubling and summing modules with walkaway compensation technology, high beam quality UV light output is achieved, boasting an infrared to UV conversion efficiency of more than 40%. Furthermore, crystal protection measures must be adopted in order to extend its service life and ensure optimal third harmonic crystal performance.The Axinite UV-30 achieves high beam quality UV light output through proprietary frequency doubling and summing modules with walkaway compensation technology. It boasts an infrared to UV conversion efficiency of more than 40%. In addition, crystal protection measures are adopted to extend the service life and ensure optimal third harmonic crystal performance.
Powerful control system
The Axinite UV-30's powerful control system provides multiple control functions and strong guarantees for customer use on-site, ensuring long-term operation of laser systems.

The "SECRET LIGHT AWARDS" is an annual selection activity of the China Laser Industry Innovation Contribution Award sponsored by its Organizing Committee and Laser Manufacturing Network and co-organized by multiple laser industry associations, societies, alliances, and media in China. Since 2018, more than 150 innovative and leading laser products, technologies, achievements have been discovered and selected, making this event a key marker for technology competition as well as driving forward the growth of China's laser industry.